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Our Vision, Mission & Values

We believe in the power of people to effect sustainable change through voting. 


We will engage and empower the community to vote through arts, culture, and music. 


We value the impact of civic engagement, the ability of art to inspire, and the power of humanity.  

"A democracy cannot thrive where power remains unchecked and justice is reserved for a select few. Ignoring these cries and failing to respond to this movement is simply not an option — for peace cannot exist where justice is not served."
— John Lewis —


Voting is your voice.

Our vision is for young people in the margins of society to understand what it means to vote and participate in politics.  Voting is an enormous exercise of power. When you vote, you shape the systems that affect your everyday life. Your vote says "these issues are important to me."


The democratic process is built on a foundational belief that all people are created equal and that those people have the right to participate in the system, either by serving as a representative of the people (politician) or through voting. 




Using the arts to inspire action.

kiana clark - people-protesting-on-a-str

It is our mission to use art to inspire, engage, and equip young people with the resources, knowledge, and tools needed to participate in the political processes that impact their lives.


Art and music are a key part of any culture. Through art, people are moved to action and find commonalities between themselves and others.  


Politics is nothing without people.

kiana clark - crowd-of-protesters-holdin

We value the impact of civic engagement, the ability of art to inspire, and the power of humanity.  


Our programs and partnerships are built on these values. 

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